Monday, May 26, 2008


Phreak, Everyone has come to the assumption that " phreak615 " is just a front name for a whole "truck load of workers" that is the team for phreak615. We know there is more than one.. One person could never pull something off like that.. with such a little time amount.. and yet, I'm still wondering.. Why are you doing this? you havn't exactly explained to us why you are "hacking" much music.. See, to me.. I don't think anyone would really have a reason.. So, it's obvious to say that this is a marketing scheme. I like how you guys had tried to make this work and seem somewhat real.. but you couldn't keep a simple little sid plan on task.. and now everyone knows this is fake.. WHY don't you just ADMIT it?!?! Everyone knows.. just admit it..


C_v_J said...

He's still lying to you DenMax... but the MMVAs have lied to you too! fuck the phreak, and fuck muchmusic.

they both lie to you to get money out of your wallet. think for yourself. don't be a clone!

C_v_J said...

i don't believe in the phreak...

it's all part of the plan, you dumb ass.